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This Privacy Policy explains how EMERGING MARKET INFORMAEMON NETWORK, LLC (together, “EM”, “we”, or “our”) handle informaEMon, including your Personal Data, that EM collects online and through EM’s websites, online services, design and compuEMng tools, blogs, and mobile applicaEMons (together, “sites”). EM sites are primarily intended for business and engineering users of EM semiconductor products. By visiEMng EM’s sites, you acknowledge and agree to the pracEMces described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and made a part of our Terms of Use.

For purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), EM policy and pracEMce is to not sell Personal Data to third parEMes and will not discriminate against any user for exercising rights under the CCPA.

1. InformaEMon We Collect


When you visit our sites, EM collects a broad variety of informaEMon about you and how you use the sites (in some cases, including “Personal Data”, which is informaEMon relaEMng to an idenEMfied or idenEMfiable person; for example, your email address, name, or phone number). EM may use such informaEMon (including Personal Data), consistent with this Privacy Policy, and to provide and improve our products, services, content, and adverEMsing. If we cannot collect this informaEMon, we may not be able to provide you products or services, and you may not be able to take advantage of certain site features and programs. Examples of the informaEMon we collect and store include:

  • Pages you have visited (for example, whether you look at support forums, or product informaEMon);

  • InformaEMon transmitted by the device used to access the sites (technical informaEMon such as operaEMng system, device idenEMfier, IP address, language and country of origin, etc.);

  • Any informaEMon that you post or submit (for example, where you request more informaEMon, register for an event, or post informaEMon or a request in forums on the sites); and,

  • If you have or register for a account, EM will also connect this informaEMon with your saved account profile.

EM makes available online tools such as design tools, mobile applicaEMons, and social compuEMng environments (“Tools”). Such Tools may be accompanied by separate or addiEMonal terms, and may use informaEMon that you provide to deliver their services or funcEMonality. Unless otherwise specified, when you download or use Tools, EM may collect, use, transfer, and store the same types and categories of data and informaEMon that we do on the sites.

2. How We Use Your InformaEMon


EM uses the informaEMon it collects for the following business purposes:

  • Personalize your experience on EM sites by presenEMng products, markeEMng messages, offers, and content tailored to you;

  • Complete and fulfill purchases of products and services requested by you;

  • Respond to inquiries made by you;

  • Send you markeEMng communicaEMons related to EM and selected third parEMes;

  • IdenEMfy usage trends, conduct and perform markeEMng analysis, and data analysis;

  • Support crime/fraud monitoring and prevenEMon, compliance audits, and security;

  • Connect informaEMon you provide to EM with other informaEMon from you or about you; and

  • Confirm compliance with the terms governing the use of EM sites.

We may provide you with addiEMonal informaEMon regarding the business purpose for which we use your data when you enter your Personal Data in a parEMcular site, online form, or Tool.

EM processes Personal Data on the following grounds or basis: your consent (which, where applicable, may be withdrawn at any EMme); the performance of a contract with you or pre-contractual steps for a contract with you; compliance with our legal obligaEMons; legiEMmate interests pursued by EM or third parEMes to whom we transfer the Personal Data; and/or as otherwise permitted by applicable laws.

3. InternaEMonal Transfers


EM is a global company, and the informaEMon we collect, including Personal Data, may be transferred to and stored, processed, and accessed by, enEMEMes located in the United States and in other countries. EM enEMEMes worldwide are governed by this Privacy Policy with regard to the informaEMon collected through EM sites. Data protecEMon laws differ around the world, and your informaEMon and Personal Data may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or law enforcement in mulEMple jurisdicEMons. EM uses approved “Model Contractual Clauses” for the internaEMonal transfer of Personal Data collected in the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

4. Disclosure to Third ParEMes


EM may share informaEMon, including Personal Data, with third parEMes such as suppliers and service providers, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to provide services to EM or on our behalf. For example:

  • EM shares informaEMon about shipping address and preferences in order to fulfill your order and deliver items to you;

  • We share informaEMon, including analyEMcs and about how and when users visit our sites, in order to improve or personalize the content and services offered to you, or to provide you with informaEMon about products and services that may be of interest to you;

  • We share informaEMon as needed to respond to your requests, for example for more informaEMon or for support or customer service;

  • We share informaEMon related to purchases, including payment and transacEMon informaEMon, with payment services providers in order to secure and process payments, exchanges, or refunds (which permits us to offer credit card and other payment opEMons); and

  • In connecEMon with a proposed or actual corporate transacEMon such as a merger, consolidaEMon, sale or restructuring, EM reserves the right to share informaEMon and Personal Data with prospecEMve parEMes to the transacEMon, typically under confidenEMality or non-disclosure agreements with those parEMes.

EM may also share or disclose informaEMon, including Personal Data: if we have permission to make the disclosure; to enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other policies or agreements with you; to comply with government, legal, or regulatory requirements; to prosecute and respond to invesEMgaEMons and legal proceedings; or to protect rights, people, or property (including for fraud protecEMon and credit risk reducEMon).

5. MarkeEMng Preferences


When you register for an online account with EM, visit our sites or online store, subscribe to a newsletter, register to attend an event, or enter a contest, drawing, or other promoEMon, you may receive markeEMng communicaEMons from EM. You may unsubscribe from those markeEMng communicaEMons at any EMme, using your account preferences (if registered) or our InformaEMon Request Form.

Even if you choose not to receive some markeEMng emails from us, you will sEMll receive our transacEMonal emails, such as messages related to your orders, updates or noEMficaEMons about hardware, software or other products you have purchased from us, or informaEMon about your account.

6. Cookie Policy


We use cookies and other tracking technologies online. Please read our Cookie Policy, which is part of this Privacy Policy, and is incorporated herein by reference.

7. Your Personal Data Rights


Under applicable data privacy laws and depending upon our use or basis for processing, you have specific rights regarding your Personal Data, which may include the right to:

  • Request informaEMon regarding your Personal Data, including the categories of Personal Data collected about you and categories of sources from which the Personal Data was collected;

  • Request the business or commercial purpose for collecEMng Personal Data and the categories of third parEMes with whom we may share that informaEMon; 
  • Request that EM correct, delete, or provide you a copy of your Personal Data;

  • Object to or restrict EM’s processing of your Personal Data; and

  • Contact or lodge a complaint with the relevant data protecEMon authority of your country if you have concerns about EM’s use of your Personal Data.

Requests regarding your Personal Data may be submitted to EM using our InformaEMon Request Form. In order to process your request, EM may need to verify your idenEMty; applicable law may also permit or require EM to retain informaEMon about you for specific purposes, such as to demonstrate compliance or to complete store transacEMons.

8. Social Media Platforms, Forums, and Public Areas


Content or informaEMon (including profile informaEMon such as name, locaEMon, pictures, etc.) that you choose to post or submit to publicly available porEMons of the sites, forums, or on social media platforms is non-confidenEMal and is not subject to the protecEMons of this Privacy Policy. Whether on EM sites, forums, or any social media platforms, you should exercise cauEMon in deciding what informaEMon you publish or disclose. Your interacEMon with third-party social media platforms (such as Facebook or Twitter) is subject to, and governed by, the terms applicable to those platforms.

9. Data Security and RetenEMon


EM cares about the security of your Personal Data, and we use a variety of administraEMve and technical measures to help protect it, including commercially available security technologies such as secure servers, firewalls, and encrypEMon. It is your responsibility to safeguard any password, user ID, and other Personal Data while using our sites. Regardless of protecEMve efforts, transmissions over the Internet are never guaranteed to be enEMrely secure or error-free.

EM may retain informaEMon, including your Personal Data, for the length of EMme necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, consistent with this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retenEMon period is required or permitted by law. Please note that even if EM deletes your Personal Data, it may persist on backup or archival media for an addiEMonal period of EMme.

10. ProtecEMon of Children


EM sites are not primarily intended for children, and EM does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children without obtaining parental consent where it is required by law. If you believe that we may have collected Personal Data from someone under the applicable age of consent without obtaining parental consent, please let us know using our InformaEMon Request Form and we will take appropriate measures to invesEMgate and address the issue.

11. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any EMme. We recommend that you periodically review this Privacy Policy to learn of any changes and stay informed regarding EM’s current pracEMces. When you visit or use EM sites, services, or Tools, you are accepEMng the current version of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy supersedes all previous versions. For more informaEMon on using EM’s sites, see our Terms of Use.

12. Contact EM Regarding this Policy


You can contact EM regarding this Privacy Policy using our InformaEMon Request Form.

For product inquiries or to contact our customer support center by telephone.


EffecEMve Date: May 30, 2020